Slave Master, who is called Warden in some cultures, appears in the heavens as a triton. Upon his trident hang slaves recently collected from the sea.
Slave Master warns us of the consequences of war, the most dire of which is enslavement, which comes with loss of freedom and other gross indignities. Slave Master also admonishes slave owners to treat their slaves humanely, that wars swing both ways; today’s vanquished become the zealots of tomorrow.
Slave Master sometimes accompanies Victory, who takes the unfortunate wretches captured in her wars and turns them over to Slave Master.
Slave Master will aid mortal companions who carry its fate card in any action that involves the tending of slaves, their capture, or recapture. Slave Master is particularly inclined to support these sorts of actions during Slave Master Week.
When Slave Master is Called
If Slave Master answers a calling---when his card is drawn from a fate deck during the ritual for summoning aid from anumians---the seeker and the seer will experience minor supernatural manifestations of Slave Master, like a feeling of hopelessness, the sting of a whip, or the sound of shackles rattling.
Slave Master will typically ask seekers to address some discrepancy in the order of slavery, like recapturing an escaped slave, helping slaves in the absence of their master, or even the punishment of slave masters who abuse their power over others.
Anumian Parables