Librarian appears in the heavens as a Ma'at scholar reading from a scroll.
Librarian invites us to preserve our knowledge by writing it down and invites us to share our knowledge with others for the good of all.
Librarian is the closest friend of Fairy Goodmother, who shares stories freely, and Grave Robber, who visits Libarian frequently on missions of discovery. Librarian is also close to Magician for they both pursue knowledge.
Librarian aids mortal companions who carry its fate card in any action that involves writing,, on missions to protect written knowledge, or to help libraries or other places where knowledge is stored, such as temples or halls of records. Librarian is particularly inclined to support these activities during Librarian Week, or anytime for those born in this week.
When Librarian is Called
If Librarian answers a calling---when their card is drawn from a fate deck during the ritual for summoning aid from anumians---the seeker and the seer will experience minor supernatural manifestations of Librarian, like the smell of dusty old books, the sound of rustling paper, or the bitter taste of ink.
Librarian has been known to ask seekers to walk the roads of Chaldea in search of knowledge, or to help advance the cause of understanding.